Getting started

Get started with Cloud requirements definition with this reference and tools.

This document is licensed under The Apache License, Version 2.0.

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.


The Cloud Design Specification (the "CDS") defines cloud usage requirements by JSON/YAML codes for both human and computer comprehension.
In this document, CDS is the name of the language specification itself, and at the same time, it indicates the code described based on the cloud design specification. Previously, the latter was clearly distinguished as Cloud Design Definition ( the "CDD" ), but it has been unified into CDS to prevent a mess of terms. So there is a description of CDD in some tools and peripheral documents, still it is no problem that you think it is synonymous with CDS.

Extension of the existing provisioning codes

CDS is a requirements definition code that complements existing provisioning code such as CloudFormation. System requirements such as users and access volumes are described in this own specifications, and cloud resource definitions are expressed by references to existing provisioning codes. This structure reduces the learning cost of developers and encourages the utilization of existing code assets.
Please refer Resource object for the types of provisioning code that you can use on CDD.


You can create, store, search, reuse the Cloud Designs by using various tools.

Cloud Design Schema
It is a JSON schema file that can be used to check the grammar of the CDS by incorporating it into a third party editor.

Download CDS root schema   Download CDS snippet schema

A cloud design management tool provided by Reindeer Technology PTE.LTD. It fulfills the developer's desire to "fork (duplicate / derive) cloud design like software". (The Reindeer Project was progressively incorporated into Reindeer Technology PTE. LTD.)


Reindeer Editor
A documentation generation tool supported by Reindeer Project. You can edit a CDS and display the cloud adoption report by using this.



Describing the general specification of Cloud Design.


The CDS is versioned using Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 (SemVer) and follows the below specification.
A version number is given incrementally as major.minor.patch. The major.minor SHALL designate the one or some feature set. And the .patch SHALL designate backward-compatible bug fixes. So the patch version SHOULD NOT be considered by tooling, SHOULD NOT make any distinction about the feature or tooling between 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 for example.


The CDS is itself a JSON object, which MAY be represented either in JSON or YAML format. In order to preserve the ability to round-trip between YAML and JSON formats, YAML version 1.2 is RECOMMENDED along with some additional constraints:

All field names in the specification are case confidential. This includes all fields that are used as keys in a map, except where explicitly noted that keys are case inconfidential.


The CDS MAY consist of a single document or split into multiple parts at the user's discretion. However, in the latter case, the root CDS MUST always contain all required parent schemas. Also, files referred to as parts are called CDS snippets, and SHOULD contain only components objects. And the reference to the CDS snippet from the root file SHOULD be associated name in $ref field. And the root file SHOULD be named 'clouddesign.json' or 'clouddesign.yaml'.  

Parent Schema

Describing the primary data structure of Cloud Design. In the following description, if a field is not explicitly REQUIRED or described with a MUST or SHALL, it can be considered OPTIONAL.

Cloud Design Object

This is the root object of the CDS.

Fixed Fields

Field Name





REQUIRED. This string MUST be the semantic version number of the CDS itself. The reindeer field SHOULD be used by tools for interpreting the CDS. This is not related to the info.version string. Use '1.3.2' at ForkMe!



REQUIRED. This string is the filename of the CDS. It MUST be with the extension, .json, .yaml or .yml. The self field SHOULD be used by tools for interpreting the CDS. Use 'cloudDesign.json' at ForkMe!


Info object

REQUIRED. Provides metadata about the cloud adoption. The metadata MAY be used by tooling as required.


[ Actor object | string, Reference object]

REQUIRED. An array of actor objects, which provide information about the external user or system to which cloud computing is connected.


Map[ string, Resource object ]

REQUIRED. An array of resource objects, which is pointing to the external documents (files written by provisioning codes) describing the cloud architecture.


Map[ string, Context object | string, Reference object]

REQUIRED. An array of context objects, which provide information about the relationship for achieving a specific purpose between actors and cloud resources.


Components object

Holds a set of reusable objects for different aspects of the CDS. All objects defined within the components object will have no effect on the Cloud Design unless they are explicitly referenced from properties outside the components object.

JSON example
  "reindeer": "1.3.2",
  "self": "cloudDesign.json"
  "info": {
    "title": {
      "en": "Sample system",
      "ja": "サンプルシステム",
    Refer 'Info' schema
  "actors": {
      "customer": {
        "title": {
          "en": "Customers",
          "ja": "顧客",
        Refer 'Actor' schema
  "resources": [
        Refer 'Resources' schema
  "contexts": {
    "customerWebAccess": {
      "title": {
        "en": "Web access by customer",
        "ja": "顧客によるウェブアクセス",
      Refer 'Contexts' schema
  "components": {
    "actors": {
      "operator": {
        "title": {
          "en": "Operator",
          "ja": "運用者",
        Refer 'Actor' schema
    Refer 'Components' schema
    (Components is an optional schema useful for reusing definitions)

Info object

The object provides metadata about the CDS. The metadata SHOULD be filled properly for helping others easy to search and find the CDS.

Fixed Fields

Field Name





REQUIRED. The version of your design (which is distinct from the CDS version).


License object

REQUIRED. The license information of the CDS.


Map[ string, string ]

REQUIRED. The key MUST be 2 letter language code of ISO 639-1. And the value MUST be string of UTF-8.
The title of the service, adopting this cloud design.


Map[ string, string ]

REQUIRED. The key MUST be 2 letter language code of ISO 639-1. And the value MUST be string of UTF-8.
The description of the service, adopting this cloud design. It SHOULD be the concise memo including every keyword of the purpose and functions of the system. This text MAY be used as the search index by external tools.



REQUIRED. The status of the CDS. Valid values are idea, draft, production.
draft: Requirement unregistered or under definition.
prepared: State where requirements are defined.
designed: Design codes created based on requirements.
reviewed: Completed design review and modification.



REQUIRED. The time when the CDS was designed at. It MUST be the UNIXTIME format.


Map[ string, string, Author object ]

REQUIRED. The authors of the CDS. This information MAY be used by external tools as the important evidence of involved person's skill and experience.


Map[ string, string, Organization object ]

Related organizations of the CDS. This information MAY be used by external tools as the important evidence of involved organization's skill and experience.

JSON example
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "license": {
      "type": "CC0"
  "title": {
      "en": "Sample system",
      "ja": "サンプルシステム",
      "ru": "Образец системы"
  "description": {
      "en": "Sample description",
      "ja": "説明サンプル",
      "ru": "Пример описания"
  "status": "draft",
  "designedAt": "1548731447",
  "authors": {
      "sampleHandleNameA": {
            "roles": ["designer"],
            "joinedAt": 1548730447,
            "leavedAt": 1548731447
      "sampleHandleNameB": {
            "roles": ["designer", "auditor"],
            "joinedAt": 1548730447
  "organizations": {
      "sampleCompanyA": {
            "joinedAt": 1548730447,
            "leavedAt": 1548731447
      "sampleCompanyB": {
            "joinedAt": 1548730447,
            "sign": xxxxxx123
YAML example
version: 1.0.0
      type: CC0
      en: Sample system
      ja: サンプルシステム
      ru: Образец системы
      en: Sample description
      ja: 説明サンプル
      ru: Пример описания
status: draft
designedAt: 1548731447
                  - designer
            joinedAt: 1548730447
            leavedAt: 1548731447
                  - designer
                  - auditor
                  sign: xxxxxxx123

                  joinedAt: 1548730447
                  joinedAt: 1548730447
                  leavedAt: 1548731447
                  sign: xxxxxxx123
                  joinedAt: 1548730447

Actor objects

The objects provide information about users, operators or external systems the cloud will be connected with. It SHOULD be comprehensive for designing and auditing the CDS correctly.

Market type of actor object

This object provides information about an unspecified number of users, such as consumers and spectators belonging to a particular market. It is the kind of actor you SHOULD use, for example, when designing a limited network connection with an identifiable individual and cloud. The correct number SHOULD be provided in order to understand the number of users and the number of requests to be provided to the system.

Fixed Fields

Field Name





REQUIRED. Fixed value, 'market'.


Map[ string, string ]

REQUIRED. The key MUST be 2 letter language code of ISO 639-1. And the value MUST be string of UTF-8.
The title of the actor.


Map[ string, string ]

REQUIRED. The key MUST be 2 letter language code of ISO 639-1. And the value MUST be string of UTF-8.
The description of the actor.


Market object | Reference object

REQUIRED. Market information to which this actor belongs.



REQUIRED. The share ratio of this actor among the belonging market. For example, 0.3 means 30%.


[ boolean ]

REQUIRED. Whether specific IP address range or domains is assigned or not. If true, identificationGroup property is required.



The group name of IP address range, domains and so on.. Required when sourceIdentification propery is true. And MUST NOT use when sourceIdentification propery is false.

JSON Example
  "type": "market",
  "title": {
        "en": "Customers", 
        "ja": "顧客",
        "ru": "Клиенты"
  "description": {
        "en": "Users of our products.",
        "ja": "当社製品の利用ユーザー",
        "ru": "Пользователи нашей продукции."
  "market": {
        "title": {
              "en": "65 years and over in U.S., July 2018", 
              "ja": "65才以上の人口 米国 2018年7月",
              "ru": "65 лет и старше в США, июль 2018 года"
        "description": {
              "en": "General population data of U.S. at 2018 by govermental research.",
              "ja": "米国政府による2018年の人口統計",
              "ru": "Данные об общей численности населения США на 2018\nгод по данным государственных исследований."
        "num": 51038120,
        "estimatedBy": "U.S. Census Bureau",
        "estimatedAt": 1530370800
  "marketShare": 0.01,
  "sourceIdentification": false
YAML Example
type: market
      en: Customers 
      ja: 顧客
      ru: Клиенты
      en: Users of our products.
      ja: 当社製品の利用ユーザー
      ru: Пользователи нашей продукции.
            en: 65 years and over in U.S., July 2018 
            ja: 65才以上の人口 米国 2018年7月
            ru: 65 лет и старше в США, июль 2018 года
            en: General population data of U.S. at 2018 by govermental research.
            ja: 米国政府による2018年の人口統計
            ru: | 
                Данные об общей численности населения США на 2018
                год по данным государственных исследований.
      num: 51038120
      estimatedBy: U.S. Census Bureau
      estimatedAt: 1530370800
marketShare: 0.01
sourceIdentification: false

Persons type of actor object

The object provides information about a type of actor being consisted of one or a few persons like system operator. The kind of actor you SHOULD use, for example, when designing a limited network connection between an identifiable external system and cloud.

Fixed Fields

Field Name





REQUIRED. Fixed value, 'persons'.


Map[ string, string ]

REQUIRED. The key MUST be 2 letter language code of ISO 639-1. And the value MUST be string of UTF-8.
The title of the group of persons.


Map[ string, string ]

REQUIRED. The key MUST be 2 letter language code of ISO 639-1. And the value MUST be string of UTF-8.
The description of the group of persons.



REQUIRED. The number of members.


[ boolean ]

REQUIRED. Assigned specific IP address range, domains and so on, or not. If true, identificationGroup property is required.



The group name of IP address range, domains and so on. Required when sourceIdentification propery is true. And MUST NOT use when sourceIdentification propery is false.

JSON example
  "type": "persons",
  "title": {
      "en": "Operators",
      "ja": "運用担当者",
      "ru": "операторы"
  "description": {
      "en": "Operators using management console.",
      "ja": "管理コンソールを利用する運用担当者",
      "ru": "Операторы, использующие консоль управления."
  "num": 7,
  "sourceIdentification": true,
  "identificationGroup": "IPsOfOperatorGroupA"
YAML example
type: persons
title: a
      en: Operators 
      ja: 運用担当者
      ru: операторы
      en: Operators using management console.
      ja: 管理コンソールを利用する運用担当者
      ru: Операторы, использующие консоль управления.
num: 7
sourceIdentification: true
identificationGroup: IPsOfOperatorGroupA

External system type of actor object

The object provides information about a type of actor being consisted of one or a few systems like external API, FILE interface and so on. The kind of actor you SHOULD use, for example, when designing a limited network connection between an identifiable external system and cloud.

Fixed Fields

Field Name





REQUIRED. Fixed value, 'externalSystem'.


Map[ string, string ]

REQUIRED. The key MUST be 2 letter language code of ISO 639-1. And the value MUST be string of UTF-8.
The title of the external system interface.


Map[ string, string ]

REQUIRED. The key MUST be 2 letter language code of ISO 639-1. And the value MUST be string of UTF-8.
The description of the external system interface.


[ boolean ]

REQUIRED. Assigned specific IP address range, domains and so on, or not. If true, identificationGroup property is required.



The group name of IP address range, domains and so on.. Required when sourceIdentification propery is true. And MUST NOT use when sourceIdentification propery is false.

JSON Example
  "type": "externalSystem",
  "title": {
        "en": "API of SFA platform",
        "ja": "SFAプラットフォームのAPI",
        "ru": "API платформы SFA"
  "description": {
        "en": "Providing GET and POST interfaces of sales information.",
        "ja": "販売情報のGETおよびPOSTインターフェースを提供する外部システム",
        "ru": "Предоставление GET и POST интерфейсов информации о продажах."
  "sourceIdentification": true,
  "identificationGroup": "ipsOfSFA"
YAML Example
type: externalSystem
      en: API of SFA platform
      ja: SFAプラットフォームのAPI
      ru: API платформы SFA
      en: Providing GET and POST interfaces of sales information.
      ja: 販売情報のGETおよびPOSTインターフェースを提供する外部システム
      ru: Предоставление GET и POST интерфейсов информации о продажах.
sourceIdentification: true
identificationGroup: ipsOfSFA

Resource object

The object provides information about cloud resources used by this system. It MUST be references of the external file formatted by JSON or YAML. And it SHOULD be well-formatted data for cloud automation tools like below.

AWS CloudFormation
Azure Resource Manager
Google Cloud Deployment Manager
Alibaba Cloud Resource Orchestration Service
Serverless Framework

Fixed Fields

Field Name





REQUIRED. Type of the cloud automation language. It MUST be one of the following values.
acf : AWS CloudFormation.
arm : Azure Resource Manager.
gdm : Google Cloud Deployment Manager.
aro : Alibaba Cloud Resource Orchestration Service.
tfm : Terraform.
slf : Serverless Framework.
oth : Others.



REQUIRED. Reference to the file written by cloud automation language. Same as the $ref item of Reference object. This MUST point to the external file with extension, .json, .yaml, or .yml. And the extension SHOULD be used by external tools to detect the file format of the link.

JSON Example
  "type": "acf",
  "$ref": "xxx.json"
YAML Example
type: acf
$ref: xxx.json

Context object

The object provides information about the use case of the system by associating some actors and resources by the purpose of running the specific function. It SHOULD be comprehensive for designing and auditing the CDS correctly.

Fixed Fields

Field Name




Map[ string, string ]

REQUIRED. The key MUST be 2 letter language code of ISO 639-1. And the value MUST be string of UTF-8.
The title of the context.


Map[ string, string ]

REQUIRED. The key MUST be 2 letter language code of ISO 639-1. And the value MUST be string of UTF-8.
The description of the context.


Trigger objects | Reference object

REQUIRED. One of the types of trigger object. The trigger means the initial event of this context.


Map[ string, Traffic objects ] | [ Reference object ]

REQUIRED. Holding the list of traffic objects. Each traffic is one of the types of traffic objects. The traffic means related data transfer route within the context.



Shows the monthly duration ratio of maximum performance. When calculating the cost required for the context, this value is used to synthesize the max and min values ​​of each Range values ​​object included in trigger and traffic. For example, in the case of a design that improves DAU by advertising effect only 3 days a month, the DAU value is expressed as min: 0.01, max: 0.1, and this value is expressed as 0.1. CloudDesign expresses performance and cost based on monthly usage, but with this value, it is possible to record a design that expects a maximum instantaneous performance of 100 rps while the monthly average is 1 rps.

JSON Example
  "title": {
        "en": "Customers view",
        "ja": "カスタマー閲覧",
        "ru": "Просмотр клиента"
  "description": {
        "en": "Custormer's web site view of static contents through internet.",
        "ja": "インターネット経由の静的コンテンツ閲覧",
        "ru": "Просмотр статического содержимого через Интернет"
  "trigger": {
        "$ref": "#/components/triggers/trigger1"
  "traffics": [
        {"$ref": "#/components/traffics/traffic1"},
        {"$ref": "#/components/traffics/traffic2"},
        {"$ref": "#/components/traffics/traffic3"}
  "maxPerformanceDurationRatio": 0.1
YAML Example
      en: Customers view
      ja: カスタマー閲覧
      ru: Просмотр клиента
      en: Custormer's web site view of static contents through internet.
      ja: インターネット経由の静的コンテンツ閲覧
      ru: Просмотр статического содержимого через Интернет
      $ref: #/components/triggers/trigger1
      - $ref: #/components/traffics/traffic1
      - $ref: #/components/traffics/traffic2
      - $ref: #/components/traffics/traffic3
maxPerformanceDurationRatio: 0.1

Components object

Holds a set of reusable objects for different aspects of the CDS. All objects defined within the components object will have no effect on the CDS unless they are explicitly referenced from properties outside the components object.

Fixed Fields

Field Name




Map [ string, Actor object ]

An object to hold reusable Actor object.


Map [ string, Context object ]

An object to hold reusable Context object.


Map [ string, Market object ]

An object to hold reusable Market object.


Map [ string, Trigger object ]

An object to hold reusable Trigger object.


Map [ string, Traffic object ]

An object to hold reusable Traffic object.


Map [ string, Information type object]

An object to hold reusable Information type object.

Child Schema

Describing the child of the primary data structure of Cloud Design. In the following description, if a field is not explicitly REQUIRED or described with a MUST or SHALL, it can be considered OPTIONAL.

License object

License information for the CDS.

Fixed Fields

Field Name





REQUIRED. This is the CDS license type. MUST be one of the following values: (CC0 recommended)



The license provider or license name. You MUST not use this parameter when the type is not OtherOpen and Closed.

JSON Examples
  "type": "CC0"
  "type": "Closed",
  "provider": "Reindeer technology PTE.LTD."
YAML Examples
type: CC0
type: Closed
url: Reindeer technology PTE.LTD.

Author object

The object provides information about authors and their roles on the CDS. It SHOULD be comprehensive for helping others find the person who has correct knowledge about the system, the cloud technology, and the market the system is serving.

Fixed Fields

Field Name




[ string ]

REQUIRED. Holds a set of roles related to the CDS. Each role MUST be one of below strings.
planner: Planing the cloud adoption.
designer: Design the cloud architecture.
auditor: Audit the CDS.
operator: Operating the system designed by CDS.
others: Other role.



REQUIRED. The time when the author was joined at this CDS creation / operation. It MUST be the UNIXTIME format.



REQUIRED. The time when the author was leaved at this CDS creation / operation. It MUST be the UNIXTIME format.



Sign of the author.

JSON Example
  "roles": ["designer","auditor"],
  "joinedAt": 1548730447,
  "leavedAt": 1548731447,
  "sign": ABC123DEF456HIJ789#abc
YAML Example
      - designer
      - auditor
joinedAt: 1548730447
leavedAt: 1548731447
sign: ABC123DEF456HIJ789#abc

Organization object

The object provides information about organizations related to the CDS. It SHOULD be comprehensive for helping others find the organization who has correct knowledge about the system, the cloud technology, and the market the system is serving.

Fixed Fields

Field Name





REQUIRED. The time when the author was joined at this CDS creation / operation. It MUST be the UNIXTIME format.



REQUIRED. The time when the author was leaved at this CDS creation / operation. It MUST be the UNIXTIME format.



Sign of the author.

JSON Example
"joinedAt": 1548730447,
"leavedAt": 1548731447,
"sign": ABC123DEF456HIJ789#abc
YAML Example
joinedAt: 1548730447
leavedAt: 1548731447
sign: ABC123DEF456HIJ789#abc

Market object

The object provides information about the market. It MAY be including the result of your research or third party's survey.

Fixed Fields

Field Name




Map[ string, string ]

REQUIRED. The key MUST be 2 letter language code of ISO 639-1. And the value MUST be string of UTF-8.
The content SHOULD be unique on this CDS by including the words describing a member's properties, interest, estimated year and so on.


Map[ string, string ]

REQUIRED. The key MUST be 2 letter language code of ISO 639-1. And the value MUST be string of UTF-8.
The description of the market. It SHOULD be including the words describing the author, estimation purpose and so on. This text MAY help the designer's decision whether this information can be reused by other design or not.



REQUIRED. The number of members.



REQUIRED. The author of this estimation.



REQUIRED. The time when it was estimated at. It MUST be the UNIXTIME format.

JSON Example
  "title": {
        "en": "65 years and over in U.S., July 2018", 
        "ja": "65才以上の人口 米国 2018年7月",
        "ru": "65 лет и старше в США, июль 2018 года"
  "description": {
        "en": "General population data of U.S.\n at 2018 by govermental research.",
        "ja": "米国政府による2018年の人口統計",
        "ru": "Данные об общей численности населения США\n на 2018 год по данным государственных исследований."
  "population": 51038120,
  "estimatedBy": "U.S. Census Bureau",
  "estimatedAt": 1530370800
YAML Example
      en: 65 years and over in U.S., July 2018 
      ja: 65才以上の人口 米国 2018年7月
      ru: 65 лет и старше в США, июль 2018 года
      en: |
      General population data of U.S. 
      at 2018 by govermental research.
      ja: 米国政府による2018年の人口統計
      ru: |
      Данные об общей численности населения США 
      на 2018 год по данным государственных исследований.
population: 51038120
estimatedBy: U.S. Census Bureau
estimatedAt: 1530370800

Trigger objects

The objects provide information about the initial event of the context. It MAY be person's web site access to the server, or it MAY be an automated timed call to the external API.

Web access type of trigger object

This is a kind of trigger by actors. Describing the actor's web access to cloud resources. The actor MAY be human, or external computing.

Fixed Fields

Field Name





REQUIRED. Fixed value, 'webAccess'.


Map[ string, string ]

REQUIRED. The key MUST be 2 letter language code of ISO 639-1. And the value MUST be string of UTF-8.
The description of the trigger. It SHOULD be the concise memo describing the purpose of this trigger.


Reference object

REQUIRED. Reference to the InfoType object. Indicates the type of information handled in this trigger.


[ integer ]

REQUIRED. Port numbers required at the end points (defined at the end field) of this trigger.


[ boolean ]

REQUIRED. Use internet or not for this trigger.


[ boolean ]

REQUIRED. Source IP, Domain or the other restriction at the end points of this trigger.


Range values object

REQUIRED. Daily Active User ratio. For example, it will be 0.01 in case of that avarage 1 percent of actors, referred at this start field, will access to the resources, referred at this end field, per day.


Range values object

REQUIRED. Average page numbers per visit. Representing how many pages visitors will open per visit.


Range values object

REQUIRED. Average page data size as a unit of KB.


Range values object

REQUIRED. Average request numbers per page. Representing how many requests (Requests to images and HTML etc. that make up the page) will be used per page.


Range values object

REQUIRED. Busy hours per day. For example, it's 6, in the case of that most access is concentrated amoung AM 9:00 - AM 11:00 and PM 17:00 - PM 19:00 per day. Please note that the max value is "smaller" than the min value, as 1 hour is generally considered to be "more concentrated" than 8 hours. Example: If the case where users access evenly within 8 hours during the day is the minimum performance, and the case where access is during the 1 hour of the lunch break is the maximum performance, it is expressed as min: 8, max: 1.


Range values object

REQUIRED. Representing what percentage of the visitors will POST. For example, it's 0.1 in case of that 100 POST will sent per day among 100,000 actors and 0.01 dau.


Range values object

REQUIRED. Average POST data size as a unit of KB.


Reference object

REQUIRED. It MUST be a reference to the actor objects. The start point of this trigger.


[ Reference object ]

REQUIRED. It MUST be references to the each resource item described in the resource object. The end point of this traffic.If multiple resources are specified, the traffic from start is determined to be evenly divided into each resource. Connections to resources with different traffic weights or different uses, connection ports, etc. should not be listed here. Write it as the end of the new context. Example: If you list two web servers for an actor sending a 10GB request, each server will receive 5GB of requests. In the case of designing to access the static content server and the dynamic content server at a ratio of 9: 1, do not write both servers together in one end, and the context that provides static content and the context that provides dynamic content. Please describe each server in each end separately.


Map[ string, string ]

REQUIRED. The key MUST be 2 letter language code of ISO 639-1. And the value MUST be string of UTF-8.
The name of the endpoint.


Range values object

REQUIRED. The ratio of the end's stored data volume among the received data. For example, if this trigger's end stores all of the data that the actor sends to end, this value will be 1.0. And it's 0 if not stored.


Reference object

Reference to the InfoType object. Indicates the type of information stored at the ends of this trigger.


Map[ string, string ]

The key MUST be 2 letter language code of ISO 639-1. And the value MUST be string of UTF-8.
The description of the endpoint. It SHOULD be the concise memo describing the purpose of storage of the ends in this trigger.

JSON Example
  "type": "webAccess",
  "description": {
    "en": "API call for movie data acquisition.",
    "ja": "動画データ取得のためのAPI呼び出し。",
    "ru": "API вызов для сбора данных фильма"
  "infoType": {
        "$ref": "#/components/infoType/general"
  "ports": [443],
  "internet": true,
  "restriction": false,
  "dau": {"max": 0.1, "min": 0.03},
  "pagesVisit": {"max": 10, "min": 10},
  "kbPage": {"max": 1024, "min": 1024},
  "reqPage": {"max": 100, "min": 100},
  "busyHours": {"max": 3, "min": 3},
  "postRatio": {"max": 0.1, "min": 0.001},
  "kbPost": {"max": 100, "min": 100},
  "start": {
        "$ref": "#/actors/customer"
  "end": [
        {"$ref": "#/resources/awsCloudEnvironment/data/Resources/cloudFront"}
  "endpointTitle": {
    "en": "LoadBalancer",
    "ja": "ロードバランサ",
    "ru": "Балансировщик нагрузки"
  "storedRatio": {"max": 0.3, "min": 0.1},
  "storedInfoType": {
    "$ref": "#/components/infoType/general"
  "storageDescription": {
    "en": "Logging for API usage tracing.",
    "ja": "API利用状況把握のためのログ保管",
    "ru": "Хранение журнала для статуса использования API"
YAML Example
type: webAccess
description: {
      en: Static content distribution,
      ja: 静的コンテンツの配信,
      ru: Распределение статического контента
      $ref: #/components/infoType/general
ports: [443]
internet: true
restriction: false
dau: {max: 0.1, min: 0.03}
pagesVisit: {max: 10, min: 10}
kbPage: {max: 1024, min: 1024}
reqPage: {max: 100, min: 100}
busyHours: {max: 3, min: 3}
postRatio: {max: 0.1, min: 0.001}
kbPost: {max: 100, min: 100}
      $ref: #/actors/customer
      - $ref: #/resources/awsCloudEnvironment/data/Resources/cloudFront
      en: LoadBalancer
      ja: ロードバランサ
      ru: Балансировщик нагрузки
storedRatio: {max: 0.5, min: 0.3}
      $ref: #/components/infoType/general
storageDescription: {
      en: Logging for API usage tracing.,
      ja: API利用状況把握のためのログ保管,
      ru: Хранение журнала для статуса использования API

Timed action type of trigger object

This is a kind of trigger by actors or resources. Describing the timed action from actors or cloud computing resources to other ones.

Fixed Fields

Field Name





REQUIRED. Fixed value, 'timedAction'.


Map[ string, string ]

REQUIRED. The key MUST be 2 letter language code of ISO 639-1. And the value MUST be string of UTF-8.
The description of the trigger. It SHOULD be the concise memo describing the purpose of this trigger.


Reference object

REQUIRED. Reference to the InfoType object. Indicates the type of information handled in this trigger.


[ integer ]

REQUIRED. Port numbers required at the end points of this trigger.


[ boolean ]

REQUIRED. Use internet or not for this connection.


[ boolean ]

REQUIRED. Source IP, Domain or the other restriction at the end points of this trigger.


Range values object

REQUIRED. Number of requests per second when this trigger fires. Specify the required performance from the start point (start field) to the end point (end field). For example, if the batch system runs every Monday morning and each batch accesses the external API with a throughput of 2 times per second it is 2.0.


Range values object

REQUIRED. Monthly request numbers from the start point to the endpoints. For example, it's 9000 in case of that the batch system sends mail magazine 3 times to 1000 persons per month.


Range values object

REQUIRED. Request data size per request from the start point to the end point as the unit of KB.


Range values object

REQUIRED. Response data size per request from the start point to the end point as the unit of KB.


Reference object

REQUIRED. It MUST be a reference to the actor object or the resource object. The start point of this trigger.


[ Reference object ]

REQUIRED. It MUST be a reference to the actor object or the resource object. The end point of this traffic.If multiple resources are specified, the traffic from start is determined to be evenly divided into each resource. Connections to resources with different traffic weights or different uses, connection ports, etc. should not be listed here. Write it as the end of the new context.


Map[ string, string ]

REQUIRED. The key MUST be 2 letter language code of ISO 639-1. And the value MUST be string of UTF-8.
The name of the endpoint.


Range values object

REQUIRED. The ratio of the stored data volume among the received data to the ends. For example, it is 1.0 in case of that the database resource in this trigger is received 10GB/Month from the app server and store all of them to the database. When the ends don't store the traffic data, it's 0.


Reference object

Reference to the InfoType object. Indicates the type of information stored at the ends of this trigger.


Map[ string, string ]

The key MUST be 2 letter language code of ISO 639-1. And the value MUST be string of UTF-8.
The description of the endpoint. It SHOULD be the concise memo describing the purpose of storage of the ends in this trigger.

JSON Example
  "type": "timedAction",
  "description": {
    "en": "API call for movie data acquisition.",
    "ja": "動画データ取得のためのAPI呼び出し。",
    "ru": "API вызов для сбора данных фильма"
  "infoType": {
        "$ref": "#/components/infoType/general"
  "ports": [443],
  "internet": false,
  "restriction": false,
  "onlineRps": {"max": 3, "min": 1},
  "reqMonth": {"max": 9000, "min": 5000},
  "kbRequest": {"max": 0.01, "min": 0.01},
  "kbResponse": {"max": 1, "min": 1},
  "start": {
        "$ref": "#/resources/awsCloudEnvironment/resources/jobServer"
  "end": [
        {"$ref": "##/actors/api"}
  "endpointTitle": {
    "en": "LoadBalancer",
    "ja": "ロードバランサ",
    "ru": "Балансировщик нагрузки"
  "storedRatio": {"max": 0.3, "min": 0.1},
  "storedInfoType": {
    "$ref": "#/components/infoType/general"
  "storageDescription": {
    "en": "Logging for API usage tracing.",
    "ja": "API利用状況把握のためのログ保管",
    "ru": "Хранение журнала для статуса использования API"

YAML Example
type: timedAction
description: {
      en: Static content distribution,
      ja: 静的コンテンツの配信,
      ru: Распределение статического контента
      $ref: #/components/infoType/general
ports: [443]
internet: false
restriction: false
onlineRps: {max: 3, min: 1}
reqMonth: {max: 9000, min: 5000}
kbRequest: {max: 0.01, min: 0.01}
kbResponse: {max: 1, min: 1}
      $ref: #/resources/awsCloudEnvironment/resources/jobServer
      - $ref: #/actors/api
      en: LoadBalancer
      ja: ロードバランサ
      ru: Балансировщик нагрузки
storedRatio: {max: 0.5, min: 0.3}
      $ref: #/components/infoType/general
storageDescription: {
      en: Logging for API usage tracing.,
      ja: API利用状況把握のためのログ保管,
      ru: Хранение журнала для статуса использования API

Traffic objects

The objects provide information about related traffics within the context. This must be used in the subsequent processing of the trigger event. For example, dynamic content request from Web server to application server, data storage from application server to database, etc. are expressed.

Pass through ratio type of traffic object

This is a kind of traffic object. It can represent traffic that occurs in the form of passing a part of the request received from the start point to the subsequent resources. For example, it can represent a chain of communication where a load balancer sends a received request to a web server, and an application generates a mail delivery queue based on the received request. At this time, the size of the data received by this traffic endpoint (end field) is the percentage of the request received by the previous communication (source field) of this traffic. Therefore, if you extend the data to 3 MB in the server and pass it to the end point of this traffic after the previous communication receives the 1 MB POST value, the data size can be expressed as 300% (passThroughReqRatio> field's value is 3).

Fixed Fields

Field Name





REQUIRED. Fixed value, 'passThroughRatio'.


Map[ string, string ]

REQUIRED. The key MUST be 2 letter language code of ISO 639-1. And the value MUST be string of UTF-8.
The description of the traffic. It SHOULD be the concise memo describing the purpose of this traffic.


Reference object

REQUIRED. Reference to the InfoType object. Indicates the type of information handled in this traffic.


[ integer ]

REQUIRED. Port numbers required at the end points of this traffic.


[ boolean ]

REQUIRED. Use internet or not for this connection.


[ boolean ]

REQUIRED. Source IP, Domain or the other restriction at the end points of this trigger.


Reference object

REQUIRED. References to the trigger object or the traffic object. The start point of this traffic. This effects to or is affected by all of the resources or actor object described in the end fields.


[ Reference object ]

REQUIRED. References to the actor objects or the each resource item described in the resource object. The end point of this traffic.If multiple resources are specified, the traffic from start is determined to be evenly divided into each resource. Connections to resources with different traffic weights or different uses, connection ports, etc. should not be listed here. Write it as the end of the new context.


Map[ string, string ]

REQUIRED. The key MUST be 2 letter language code of ISO 639-1. And the value MUST be string of UTF-8.
The name of the endpoint.


Range values object

REQUIRED. Indicates what percentage of the requests received by prior trigger or traffic (source field) will flow to the endpoint (end) of this traffic. For example, if the former trigger receives 100,000/M requests from the user and use internal cash for 50% response and pass 50% request to this traffic, this value will be 0.5.


Range values object

REQUIRED. Based on the size of the response data handled by the former trigger or traffic (source field), describes that this traffic response what percentage of that size to the source. For example, if the former trigger returns data of 10GB/Month to the user and this compositResRatio is 0.5, this traffic will response 5GB/Month of data to the former trigger.


Range values object

REQUIRED. The ratio of the stored data volume among the received data to the ends. For example, it is 1.0 in case of that the database resource in this traffic is received 10GB/Month from the app server and store all of them to the database. When the ends don't store the traffic data, it's 0.


Reference object

Reference to the InfoType object. Indicates the type of information stored at the ends of this traffic.


Map[ string, string ]

The key MUST be 2 letter language code of ISO 639-1. And the value MUST be string of UTF-8.
The description of the endpoint. It SHOULD be the concise memo describing the purpose of storage of the ends in this traffic.

JSON Example
  "type": "passThroughRatio",
  "description": {
    "en": "Static content distribution",
    "ja": "静的コンテンツの配信",
    "ru": "Распределение статического контента"
  "infoType": {
        "$ref": "#/components/infoType/general"
  "ports": [80],
  "internet": false,
  "restriction": false,
  "source": {"$ref": "#/trigger/customer"},
  "end": [
        {"$ref": "#/resources/awsCloudEnvironment/data/Resources/s3"}
  "passThroughReqRatio": {"max": 1, "min": 0.1},
  "compositResRatio": {"max": 0.5, "min": 0.5},
  "endpointTitle": {
    "en": "LoadBalancer",
    "ja": "ロードバランサ",
    "ru": "Балансировщик нагрузки"
  "storedRatio": {"max": 0.3, "min": 0.1},
  "storedInfoType": {
    "$ref": "#/components/infoType/general"
  "storageDescription": {
    "en": "Logging for API usage tracing.",
    "ja": "API利用状況把握のためのログ保管",
    "ru": "Хранение журнала для статуса использования API"
YAML Example
type: passThroughRatio
description: {
      en: Static content distribution,
      ja: 静的コンテンツの配信,
      ru: Распределение статического контента
      $ref: #/components/infoType/general
ports: [80]
internet: false
restriction: false
      $ref: #/trigger/customer
    - $ref: #/resources/awsCloudEnvironment/data/Resources/s3
passThroughReqRatio: {max: 1, min: 0.1}
compositResRatio: {max: 0.5, min: 0.5}
      en: LoadBalancer
      ja: ロードバランサ
      ru: Балансировщик нагрузки
storedRatio: {max: 0.5, min: 0.3}
      $ref: #/components/infoType/general
storageDescription: {
      en: Logging for API usage tracing.,
      ja: API利用状況把握のためのログ保管,
      ru: Хранение журнала для статуса использования API

InfoType object

The objects represent the information's type and required security level. You SHOULD define the information types and classify the information received, stored, treated at the cloud resources.

Fixed Fields

Field Name




Map[ string, string ]

REQUIRED. The key MUST be 2 letter language code of ISO 639-1. And the value MUST be string of UTF-8.
The name of the information type.


Map[ string, string ]

REQUIRED. The key MUST be 2 letter language code of ISO 639-1. And the value MUST be string of UTF-8.
Describing classification detail.



REQUIRED. Confidential information or not.



REQUIRED. Privacy information or not. It means the information is needed to be protected as legally.



REQUIRED. The author of this definition.



REQUIRED. The time when it was defined at. It MUST be the UNIXTIME format.

JSON Example
  "title": {
        "en": "privacy level", 
        "ja": "個人情報取り扱いレベル",
        "ru": "Чувствительный уровень"
  "description": {
        "en": "Contains privacy information.",
        "ja": "個人情報を含む",
        "ru": "Содержит конфиденциальную личную информацию."
  "confidential": true,
  "privacy": true,
  "definedBy": "ABC company",
  "definedAt": 1530370800
YAML Example
      en: confidential level 
      ja: 個人情報取り扱いレベル
      ru: Чувствительный уровень
      en: Contains privacy information.
      ja: 個人情報を含む
      ru: Содержит конфиденциальную личную информацию.
confidential: true
privacy: true
definedBy: ABC company
definedAt: 1530370800

Common Schema

Describing the common data structure of Cloud Design. In the following description, if a field is not explicitly REQUIRED or described with a MUST or SHALL, it can be considered OPTIONAL.

Range values object

An object representing the range values used at fields on CDS.

Fixed Fields

Field Name





REQUIRED. Max value of the range value.



REQUIRED. Min value of the range value.

JSON Example
  "max": 1.0,
  "min": 0.01
YAML Example
max: 1.0
min: 0.01

Reference object

This is a reference specification object used when referencing JSON/YAML objects in files for CDS or Cloud Automation Tools from various fields of CDS. Reference objects are defined by JSON references and follow the same structure, behavior, and rules. In this specification, reference resolution is done as defined in the JSON Reference Specification, not the JSON Schema Specification.

Fixed Fields

Field Name





REQUIRED. Reference strings. In the case of referencing the object in the same file, you MUST start with #/, and MUST always describe the path from the root object. When specifying a reference to the external file, you MUST start with the file name with the extension .json, .yaml or .yml. After that, you MUST describe the same as in the same file reference.

JSON Example
  "$ref": "#/components/actors/custormers"
JSON Relative Documents With Embedded Schema Example
  "$ref": "externalfile.yaml#/components/actors/custormers"
YAML Example
$ref: #/components/actors/custormers
YAML Relative Documents With Embedded Schema Example
$ref: externalfile.yaml#/components/actors/custormers



The Cloud Design Specification has born as a part of the Reindeer Project.
The Reindeer Project hopes to bring creating power for all by supporting the use of the cloud.
A society where everyone can create services on their own will not only bring freedom of expression and diversity of lifestyles and values. We believe it also promotes the redistribution of wealth to all and improves the average wealth and well-being of people around the world.

Describing the purpose and plan of the Reindeer project.

Six states of the Cloud Design
Describing the plan of future tools and ecosystem.


*Amazon Web Services and other AWS trademarks are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and other countries.
*Google and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a registered trademark or trademarks of Google LLC.
*Micosoft and Microsoft Azure are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
*Terraform is a registered trademark of HashiCorp, Inc.
*All other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.







Initial public release of the Cloud Design Specification.

1.0.0 (CDS itself is the same as previous)


Add link to Reindeer Editor.



Enhance the expression of stakeholders in the design (add organization and identity signature)
Add 'organizations' property to the info object.
Add 'sign' property to the author object.



Add support for 'Serverless Framework.'



Add 'maxPerformanceDurationRatio' to Context for supporting synthetic cost representation.



Fix a bug for the type definition of 'maxPerformanceDurationRatio.'

1.3.1 (No change)


Add an additional description to the 'busyhours' param on this document.

1.3.1(No change)


Improved some descriptive expressions on this document.



Change max letter size of title and description to 150.

1.3.2(No change)


Improved some descriptive expressions on this document.

1.3.2(No change)


Added trademark descriptions.

1.3.2(No change)


Added json sample of root schema.